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Professional Development & Mentoring

OESU Professional Development

  • All Learners Network

    • OESU has partnered with All Learner's Network for professional learning and development with mathematics instruction.  OESU has developed a year one/year two cohort model.  In year one teachers participate in a five day  training on math menu and math instructional strategies designed to meet the needs of all learners.  In year two, our consultant provides job embedded support and coaching on implementing the strategies learned in year one.  We fund this training through our consolidated federal program grant.

    • Visit All Learner's Network

  • Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

    • OESU is using ESSER funds for a multi-year training focus on Universal Design for Learning instructional practices.  This professional development includes training for our leadership team, co-teaching teams and training for all staff.  Beginning school year 2022-2023 job- embedded support and coaching with planning for universally designed lessons will begin in schools across the supervisory union.

  • Montshire Museum Partnership

    • OESU has partnered with the Montshire Museum for curriculum development and instructional support.  Teachers work with Montshire experts during a curriculum day to plan inquiry based units.  Montshire experts work with teachers in the classroom to coteach the units.  Our Montshire package includes a field trip for students to the museum. Our entire package, including the purchase of materials and kits is funded through our title grants.

OESU Mentoring & Instructional Coaching